Top 10k strings from Trans-Express - Tape to Microdrive (1984)(Romantic Robot UK).tzx
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2 ROMANTIC ROBOT 1984 " 2 ;" TRANS-EXPRESS "; 2 2 1 ~TRANS-EXPRESS loads, modifies &transfers each part separately 1 ~Example: if the name of programis ROMANTIC & has seven parts,the first will remain unchanged,the second will be ROMANTIC 1,the third ROMANTIC 2, etc 1 }}Pressing BREAK, CAPS SHIFT and btogether lets you exit to BASIC 1 }If in doubt, consult the ownersof the copyright of a particularprogram you'd like to transfer 1 |Use TRANS-EXPRESS to transferyour programs as desired, thenswitch the SPECTRUM off and onor press BREAK, CAPS SHIFT and btogether & load the transferredprogram from a m'drive under thename given during the transferof its first part 1 {You can see the name of programbeing loaded from tape and onlyyou will know if it is the firstpart of a program or one of itsfurther parts 1 {The name will not be exactly thesame: the last character will bean index number 1 {TAPE TO MICRODRIVE always checksavailable space on cartridge andprevents you from using names ofalready existing files by eithererasing the old ones or renamingthe new ones 1 {Some programs are unfortunatelyimpossible to run from m'drives,in which case TRANS-EXPRESS cannot possibly help 1 {Same sequence must be achievedwhen loading from microdrive andeach part must have its name 1 {Nearly everything is performedautomatically - in fact you willonly be required to PLAY, STOPor REWIND tape, insert cartridgeand press y/n in a few cases 1 {Most SPECTRUM programs consistof several parts that are loadedin a given sequence from tape 1 {BREAK will abort at any stage &take you a step backwards untilyou eventually come back to thestart 1 {********************************{TRANS-EXPRESS must not be usedto infringe copyright laws 1 {********************************{ROMANTIC ROBOT hopes you'll findTRANS-EXPRESS useful & friendly& wishes you good luck 1 wAnonymous?! 1 sc5 1 ress a number...(1-2)... PrC 1 ext page"," 1 cartridge & 1 c ? 1 already exists. Overwrite? > 1 a$=" Press a number...(1-2)...": 1 [!u`"O["U[!5\"M[!Y[ 1 You played: 1 Tape loading error. Rewind. 1 TRANSFERRING 1 TRANS-EXPRESS takes care of it 1 TRANS TM48| 1 TRANS 459 1 TAPE TO MICRODRIVE transfers andmodifies programs of any length 1 Stop the tape 1 SEEKING: 1 Rewind tape to the beginning of 1 Renamed: !lC 1 Play the tape to be transferred 1 Midnight $ 1 MIDNIGHT X 1 LAST BLOCK 1 Headerless 1 G.A.TENSCR 1 First part of program? 1 FPC 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 BNum. array: ! 1 ANT ATTACKL 1 >!2W|*U["X| 1 >!2&|*M["'| 1 ;"m'drive " 1 ;"WELCOME TO TRANS-EXPRESS": 1 ;"Type of program": 1 ;"Tape to " 1 ;"TAPE TO MICRODRIVE"; 1 ;"Space on cartridge": 1 ;"Renamed for cartridge" 1 ;"Program:" 1 ;"Program name on tape": 1 ;"Program length": 1 ;"PART 2"; 1 ;"PART 1"; 1 ;"Loading:" 1 ;"Loading": 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"Current operation": 1 ;" TAPE TO MICRODRIVE ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 2-PART TRANSFER 1 1 4 1 1 1 to abort)"; 1 to abort) ! 1 You're asked thisquestion with each loaded part &please answer correctly 1 When itis the first part you can renamethe program 1 Therecan also be other indexes like Hfor headerless part or 0,X,Y forparts helping to run programs 1 Press a number...(1-2)...B 1 Parts longer than 39k will betransferred in two sections 1 1 1 Its name will thenbe given to all following partscoming from tape for as long asyou press n after each loading 1 FOR 48K SPECTRUM":